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The Talent Cloud
Results Report

A report covering Talent Cloud’s work, spanning from 2012 through 2021. Within, you’ll find information on the project, its execution, and research results from the experiment.

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This is a long report. The Table of Contents lays out everything in detail. But for those who know what they want, and are hoping to skip ahead, we thought we’d leave our users a quick map on where to find what you’re looking for.

"I'm interested in the project vision and ideas for the future."

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"I'm interested in diversity and inclusion."

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"I'm interested in how to set up similar projects in government."

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"I'm interested in how to streamline the hiring process."

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"I'm interested in reading the full report."

table of contents

Table of Contents

Browse through Talent Cloud’s results report in full by expanding a section and clicking an article link.

Curated Reading Lists

The sections below curate our report content based on areas of interest or subject matter. These are intended to help you find information that is directly relevant to your areas of interest.