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Talent Cloud Results Report

A Caveat to Begin: Who are "We"?

This report represents the findings, ideas, and opinions of the Talent Cloud team in the Digital Change Sector of the Office of the Chief Information Officer for the Government of Canada. (For those unfamiliar with the Government of Canada’s hierarchy, that means we’re in the part responsible for digital change, not human resources.)

The content of this report shouldn’t be considered to be the official position of the Government of Canada (in any regard). It represents work undertaken outside the Office of the Chief Human Resources Officer and the Public Service Commission. While the work itself was developed in a way that was policy compliant, the findings, recommendations, and ideas in this report should not be read as representing the approval or policy position of these organizations.

This report is simply the story of an experiment.

When we tell the story, those of us on the team writing this report use “we” and “our” when we’re sharing theory and research findings. And we do mean exactly that. Don’t let all the fancy formatting fool you. This is simply the write-up of the ideas and research of one tiny team in the vastness of the Government of Canada. And a grassroots project at that - one with relatively little influence, and entirely without the power and authority of an official HR mandate holder. Talent Cloud is a project team that only has the authority to present ideas, just like any other public service team. It doesn’t have the authority to set direction for the Government of Canada, and it certainly doesn’t have the authority to compel other government teams to change behaviours or adopt new processes, particularly in relationship to human resources.

Ultimately, we’re just a small collection of innovation and tech nerds who became enamoured with the idea of testing some new digital age talent models for government. We found like-minded leaders across the Government of Canada who supported the initiative.

We undertook this work because we believe deeply that it has strong value for Canadians - now and into the future.

It’s our pleasure, and part of our commitment to open government, to share these findings and ideas with you. The sample sizes are small, and the conclusions are more of a compass bearing on where to do further research rather than a final answer, but we’re glad to share them.

Thanks for reading.

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