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Talent Cloud Results Report

Was Talent Cloud Worth It? A Manager's Story.

When one hiring manager was asked by her department to use Talent Cloud for a selection process, she wasn’t exactly eager to try a new platform for her hiring needs. “At first I was like, ugh...another one?” That feeling is understandable - selection processes aren’t always easy for managers and can feel daunting. Managers are also often tasked with trying experimental new innovation initiatives, and sometimes they don’t have a lot of free time and energy to be test subjects themselves.

The hiring manager trudged ahead and worked with Talent Cloud to get the process started. She put her effort into learning how to use the platform, reaching out whenever she had questions or needed assistance. “I appreciated the support I received from the Talent Cloud team,” she remembers. “But when Covid-19 hit it took away some resources, and that was difficult.” Even with the pandemic hitting in the middle of her selection process, she remained committed to her goal of finding high-quality candidates and pushed forward.

Her efforts were not in vain. The manager’s poster garnered 56 applications, and after all rounds of assessment were completed she was left with a pool of 14 qualified candidates. Considering most processes end up with a fraction of that ratio of fully qualified candidates, hers is an incredible success story. “We had openings for and brought on four people out of the pool of qualified candidates. Managers are still pulling from that pool!”

"[The hires] have brought diverse perspectives to the team. We got a good group. They're the right fit - the process worked."

When asked if each of the employees hired from her process were a good fit with their new team’s culture, she said they’ve all integrated well. She also appreciates the positive contributions the new hires have made to their team. “The people who came in, they come from different areas, and they’ve brought diverse perspectives to the team. We got a good group. They’re the right fit - the process worked.”

Thinking back on her experience, she said Talent Cloud was “a hidden gem” that she was glad to have used. “It took a little while to be convinced it was a good thing, but now that I look back and reflect on the whole experience, it was great!”

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